Saturday, January 23, 2010

First the zodiac was divided into twelve rasis,( zodiac sign ) to study the effects of the planets placed there. Then the ancient seers added another sub divisional system of breaking down the zodiac into 27 Nakshatras or star constellations. Each nakshatra has a span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. After that each nakshatra was further subdivided into 4 Padas, or quarters, of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. Hence the first zodiac sign Aries, which has 30 degrees, contains the entire 4 padas (13:20') of the 1st star constellation Ashwini, the entire 4 padas (13:20') of the 2nd star constellation Bharani and the 1st pada (3:20') of the third star constellation Krittika. So each rasi contains total 9 padas. These nakshatras belong to three main groups: Deva or divine, Manusha or human and Rakshasa or Demonic. They have different ruling deities, owned by different planets and have divergent qualities. Hence while studying the effects of a planet placed in Aries, it is also studied in which nakshatra it is placed and in which pada of that nakshatra it is placed. This system of analysis exists only in Indian astrology.



Longitude Sign-Deg- Min

1 Aswini 00-00-00 Ketu
2 Bharani 00-13-20 Venus
3 Kritika 00-26-40 Sun
4 Rohini 01-10-00 Moon
5 Mrigasira 01-23-20 Mars
6 Aridra 02-06-40 Rahu
7 Punarvasu 02-20-00 Jupiter
8 Pushya 03-03-20 Saturn
9 Aslesha 03-16-40 Mercury
10 Magha 04-00-00 Ketu
11 Poorvaphalguni 04-13-20 Venus
12 Uttaraphalguni 04-26-40 Sun
13 Hasta 05-10-00 Moon
14 Chitra 05-23-20 Mars
15 Swati 06-06-40 Rahu
16 Visakha 06-20-00 Jupiter
17 Anuradha 07-03-20 Saturn
18 Jyehsta 07-16-40 Mercury
19 Moola 08-00-00 Ketu
20 Poorvashadha 08-13-20 Venus
21 Uttarashadha 08-26-40 Sun
22 Sravana 09-10-00 Moon
23 Dhanshita 09-23-20 Mars
24 Satabisha 10-06-40 Rahu
25 Poorvabhadrapada 10-20-00 Jupiter
26 Uttarabhadrapada 11-03-20 Saturn
27 Revati 11-16-40 Mercury

Following is the list of the nine planets ( Nav Grahas) their names nature and the important things they represent.
Sun (Surya) Moon (Chandarma)
Nature the King Nature the Queen
Exalted Aries Exalted Taurus
Debilitated Libra Debilitated Scorpio
Friends Moon,Mars,Jupiter Friends Sun, Mercury
Enemies Venus, Satin Enemies None
Body Part Right Eye Body Part Left Eye
Mahadasha 6 years Mahadasha 10 Years
Gem Ruby Gem Pearl
Numerology 1 Numerology 2
Mantra Om ghrani suryay namah Mantra Om som somay namah

Mars (Mangal)

Mercury (Budha)
Nature The commander Nature The Prince
Exalted Capricorn Exalted Virgo
Debilitated Cancer Debilitated Pisces
Friends Sun, Moon, Jupiter Friends Sun, Venus
Enemies Mercury Enemies Moon
Body Part Muscles Body Part Skin
Mahadasha 7 years Mahadasha 17 year
Gem Red Coral Gem Emerald
Numerology 9 Numerology 5
Mantra Om ang angarkaya namah Mantra Om bum budhaya namah

Jupiter (Brahaspati)

Venus (Shukra)
Nature The Guru Nature An Adviser
Exalted Cancer Exalted Pisces
Debilitated Capricorn Debilitated Virgo
Friends Sun, Moon, Mars Friends Mercury, Saturn
Enemies Venus, Mercury Enemies Sun, Moon
Body Part Fat Body Part Sexual Organs
Mahadasha 16 Years Mahadasha 20 year
Gem Yellow Sapphire Gem Diamond
Numerology 3 Numerology 6
Mantra Om bram brahaspataye namah Mantra Om shum shukraya namah

Satin (Shani)

Nature Liberation Nature Serpent
Exalted Libra Exalted Taurus
Debilitated Aries Debilitated Scorpio
Friends Venus, Mercury Friends Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Enemies Sun, Moon, Mars Enemies Jupiter
Body Part Nerves Body Part Nerves
Mahadasha 19 Year Mahadasha 8 Year
Gem Blue sapphire Gem Gomeda
Numerology 8 Numerology None
Mantra Om sham shanesharaya namah Mantra Om ram rahuve namah

Nature Liberation
Exalted Scorpio
Debilitated Taurus
Friends Mercury
Enemies None
Body Part Nerves
Mahadasha 7 Year
Gem Cats eye
Numerology None
Mantra Om kem ketave namah

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